The next show will take place in Göttingen at Freihafen. We´re supporting THE SPIRIT and WALDGEFLÜSTER. Be there!
Live at Klaue Fest 2023
After a long and quite time, we´ll finally play a show again. The Klaue Fest takes place at 12. and 13. 05.2023 in Braunschweig / Skateboardclub Walhalla . See youContinue readingLive at Klaue Fest 2023
Streaming Services.
We´re late to the party, but “Cosmic Winter” and “Dragged Into The Void” are now available on Spotify, Apple Music, Itunes, Amazon Music and many more digital platforms. Don‘t stopContinue readingStreaming Services.
We got some pins made by Lycanthropic Chants – Thanks for that! Do you need some buttons for your project or band? Contact them. Open this thread to take aContinue readingPins!
Hello world.
From now on this site will keep you up to date. Here you´ll keep track of new merchandise, releases and general informations about the band. Everything will be further developed,Continue readingHello world.